Year 3 2024 - 2025
Mrs Kozyra
Mrs Statham
Welcome to Year 3
Mrs Kozyra: [email protected]
Mrs Statham: [email protected]
PE Days (Autumn Term 2024)
Monday – Outdoor Thursday – Indoor
A reminder to remove earrings and to tie long hair back on these days. PE kit should be your coloured house t shirt, black or navy shorts/joggers/leggings and a plain hoodies/school jumper or cardigan.
Please note:
WEDNESDAY is the day we SWAP the books in reading folders (if finished) but please do send your child to school EVERY DAY with their reading folder to assist with our reading in school. Many Thanks
Spelling Homework
Year 3 Spelling homework is now live on and the children have been sent home with their log ins. New assignments will be set each Tuesday and they will be due in the following Monday evening. We are asking all children to complete a minimum of 3 tasks/games.
Many thanks for all of your support with this spelling homework.
Dates for this week:
Monday 4th November- Back to school. Outdoor PE - please send children to school in PE kits. We will send home new green reading sheets.
Wednesday 6th November- reading book swap
Thursday 7th November- Indoor PE - please send children to school in PE kits.
Friday 8th November- Mrs Sellers teaching Class 3 (and every Friday from now on)
Children will need a coat with a hood in school EVERY day.