Safety Squad
Our School Safety Squad is a dedicated pupil council who are responsible for highlighting the importance of safety across the school. The Safety Squad takes responsibility for meeting with Miss Maddock and other members of staff as appropriate to discuss ways in which our pupils' safety and wellbeing can be promoted.
As part of our responsibilities, the Safety Squad:
- will lead assemblies on the subject of safeguarding
- run competitions for pupils to engage with around a key safeguarding message or themed week - such as Anti-Bullying week
- consider safety outside of school such as road safety and rail awareness
- monitor playground behaviour and conduct to ensure that pupils are using equipment safely
- update our Safety Squad display to match ongoing projects / themes
14/10/23 The children are currently looking at Winter Safety and how to keep safe both inside and outside of school. They are hoping to deliver an assembly to KS2 next half term.