Year 4 Curriculum

At Holmes Chapel Primary School our school curriculum is designed to comply with the requirements of the Education Reform Act (1988), which introduced The National Curriculum. The subjects (revised in 2014)  which make up the curriculum at the primary stage are:

  • English
  • Maths
  • Science
  • Design and technology
  • History
  • Geography
  • Art and design
  • Music
  • Physical education (PE), including swimming
  • Computing
  • Modern foreign languages - French (at key stage 2)

We also provide:

  • Relationships and health education
  • Religious education (RE)

You can access more information and the full National Curriculum document here: 

We offer a broad and balanced curriculum which is ambitious and and designed to give all pupils the knowledge they need to succeed as a learner. Our curriculum has been designed so that there are opportunities to revisit and recall learning, build on prior knowledge, bridge gaps and make links between subjects to enable children to make a growing sense of an ever changing and diverse world. Lessons are planned to stretch and challenge pupils, from their individual starting point, including those who may be disadvantaged or have Special Educational Needs. Teachers set high expectations for every pupil in every curriculum area. Teachers use assessment to identify next steps in learning, respond to pupils’ needs and overcome potential barriers. 

All staff at Holmes Chapel Primary School take account of our duties under equal opportunities legislation and we follow the SEN Code of Practice. Where necessary, we provide access to specialist equipment and adaptive approaches. Teachers plan lessons and learning opportunities so that all pupils can study every national curriculum subject.

You can access the SEN Code of Practice here: 

Teachers also take account of the needs of pupils whose first language is not English. The school recognises that the ability of pupils for whom English is an additional language to take part in the National Curriculum may be in advance of their communication skills in English and our curriculum provision will be implemented to ensure pupils with EAL are included.

Please find our Year 4 Long Term Curriculum Overview below:

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