Year 1 2023 - 2024

Ms Lackford

Ms Lackford has two cats, two cars and two children.
She likes making up stories, skiing and reading books in a bubble bath.

Mrs May

Miss Goodwin


Welcome to Year 1


Class 1 Ms Lackford (Monday-Wednesday) Mrs May (Thursday-Friday)

[email protected]

Class 1a Miss Goodwin 

[email protected]

Please note these are not checked daily so should not be used for urgent communication or information about appointments/absences/hometime arrangements etc.


Year 1 Team

Miss Beechener, Mrs Whalley, Mrs Vaja, Mrs Robinson, Mrs Lunt, Mrs Jones, Mrs Parker and Ms Samoilova.


Next week in Year 1

We have our allotment session on Monday. Children can wear appropriate clothing and shoes (wellies/old trainers).

Year 1 are looking for approximately 10 old umbrellas for our art lessons on weaving and textiles this half term. If you have an old one you can spare, please can you send it in before the last week of half term. Due to the nature of the project, they won't be returned (though we look forward to sharing photos with you).

Please remember that reading folders are to be returned to school on a Tuesday.

Thank you.


Week Beginning  13.05.2024 

Phonics - Revision of sounds in preperation for our phonics screening.

Maths - Exploring the composition of numbers 11-19, using addition and subtraction facts.

English - Retelling the story of 'The Marvellous Moon Map'.

PE - Gymnastics and striking and fielding.

D&T - Exploring flaps and springs as moving mechanisims.

Science - Allotment session.

Music - Continuing with our 'Weather' unit of work.

Art - Adding textured objects to weaving.

PSHE - Keeping safe around strangers and discussing 5 people that I trust.

Computing - Coding.


We will continue to practice handwriting, spelling and reading throughout the week.



The children have been sent home with the summer homework grid. This can also be found in the files tab at the bottom of this page.

Weekly spelling homework is set on Spelling Shed. Please find more information about this on the Spelling Shed tab.

Children are also sent home with their practice reading books every Thursday. They also have access to their eBooks. Reading folders should be returned to school on a Tuesday.



Indoor - Tuesday afternoon (please send your child into school wearing their PE kit)

Outdoor - Wednesday afternoon (please send your child into school wearing their PE kit)

PE kit - House colour/plain white t-shirt, shorts/tracksuit bottoms, and trainers, with pumps in a named bag to be left at school.

If your child would like to wear a hoodie, please ensure it is plain. Hair should be tied back and earrings should be removed at home or taped up for safety reasons (please note, staff cannot do this). 


Dates for Diaries

Monday 13th May - Allotment session

Friday 24th May - Charity 'black and white' day

Monday 17th June - Allotment session

Friday 21st June - PTA Disco

Monday 24th June - Zoolab session

Friday 28th June - Sports Day (KS1 pm)

Friday 19th July - Ukulele performance (2pm)



If someone else is collecting your child from school, please could you either email or ring the school office [email protected] or send a note in to your child's class teacher. We must be informed if it is another family member or another adult collecting your child. We will phone or text at hometime if we are uncertain.

Please ensure you have labelled your child's clothing and snacks to avoid any confusion between the children. We are a nut free school. Could we remind you that snacks should be healthy. 

Toast money must be payed via ParentPay. - (toast is 25p a day.)

Please talk to your child about their meal choices so that they know what to order each day. We would be very grateful if you could ensure that your child is able to use a knife and fork to cut up and eat their hot meal.

Jewellery other than stud earrings must not to be worn in school for safety reasons. Toys and teddies should not be brought in to school either.

Ensure your child can fasten their own laces and zip up their own coat. If they can't fasten their own laces, please wear appropriate shoes without laces. 



There is a wellbeing tab with lots of activities for the children to access. Take a look at the links and the activities in the files.


We look forward to a happy and successful year with your children!

Year 1 Team

Files to Download

Year 1: News items

There are no News items to display

Year 1: Blog items

There are no blog items to display

Year 1: Gallery items

KS2 Talent Show, by Miss Roxburgh

Year 1: Calendar items

Year 1 Allotment session, by Miss Bradshaw

Year 1 Allotment session, by Miss Bradshaw

Year 1 Zoolab session, by Miss Bradshaw