Year 6 2023 - 2024

Mrs Waddington

Miss Maddock

Welcome to Year 6


Mrs Henderson     Mrs Hill     Mrs Wall     Mrs Robinson    Miss Beechener     Mrs Butler    Mrs Smith   


We are so near the end to our wonderful year - we still have lots to do though! At our Leavers' Assembly on Tuesday we will be sharing a slide show of the First Day photos that are on display in school.

Celebrating Achievements!

We want to celebrate your achievements outside school by sharing them with everyone on a whole school display in the corridor by the library.  When you win something or achieve in an event/sport/hobby, bring in a photocopy of your certificate or a photograph of yourself participating in the event or of the trophy/medal you have won.  Please make sure you put your name on your contribution and a bit of information about your achievement.  Please don’t send in trophies/medals or original certificates because we don’t want to risk losing them!


Files to Download

Year 6: News items

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Year 6: Blog items

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Year 6: Gallery items

KS2 Talent Show, by Miss Roxburgh