Reception 2024 - 2025
Mrs Noble
Mrs Noble likes hula hooping, playing netball and Strictly Come Dancing.
She doesn't like sprouts or worms!
Miss Sanchez
Welcome to Reception
Every week on a Friday we will post an overview of our week alongside photos in the gallery section of the website. It is lovely to look at these photos with your child, so they can talk you through their week.
Our PE lessons are every Friday. PE kits should be brought in at the beginning of each term. They will be kept in school until the last day of term. Please ensure that you name EVERYTHING, as trying to get the right clothes back to the right children can prove tricky! It's also really important that your child has a coat in school every day, as we know our weather is very changeable and we will be outside every day in all weathers.
Every week on a Friday we will choose a class V.I.P. for the following week. This child will get special privileges for the week and receive a certificate written by the rest of the class.
Reading books will come home every Thursday and are expected back in school the following Tuesday. The children will bring books home that have been matched to their reading level following their Autumn 1 Phonics assessments.
If you need to inform us of a change to collection arrangements, or your child is unwell, please contact the school office: [email protected]
For all other emails, please contact your class teacher:
Class R (Mrs Noble) [email protected]
Class Ra (Miss Sanchez) [email protected]
Spring Dates for the Diary
Monday 27th January – Early Years height and weight check
Files to Download
Reception: Gallery items
Reception: Calendar items
Height and weight checks for Reception children, by Miss Bradshaw