Reception 2023 - 2024

Mrs Noble

Mrs Noble likes hula hooping, playing netball and Strictly Come Dancing.
She doesn't like sprouts or worms!

Miss MacWilliam

Miss Hubbard

Welcome to Reception


Dear Parents, Thank you so much for all your generous gifts ad lovely messages. We have loved teachinging your children this year and we hope you all have a wonderful summer holiday.

We'll see you all in September


To contact us, please email in to the school office [email protected] , [email protected] or [email protected] 





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Reception: News items

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Reception: Gallery items

Week 39 in Class R, by Miss Hubbard

Week 39 in Class Ra, by Miss MacWilliam

Week 38 in Class R, by Miss Hubbard

Reception: Calendar items

Reception (Ra) nativity, by Miss Bradshaw

Reception (R) nativity, by Miss Bradshaw