Parent's Charter

Holmes Chapel Primary School Parent Charter

Our Parent Charter outlines how we should all work together for the best interests of your children, setting out our expectations for a safe and productive environment where your children can learn and grow into resilient, independent individuals.

Holmes Chapel Primary School has high expectations about standards of behaviour, attitude to work, attendance and wearing the correct uniform.  These high expectations need to be applied to all the children, and children need to know that home and school are working together in their best interests.

You can support your child’s education in the following ways:-


  • Use appropriate channels to share concerns. In the event of a grievance or complaint, respond proportionately and not through social media.  We will always seek to resolve issues together
  • Attend Parents’ Evenings and discussions about your child’s progress
  • Make sure we are aware of any concerns that may affect your child’s wellbeing or learning
  • Let us know if there is anything you are struggling with at home that school may be able to help with
  • Keep us informed about any changes of address or contact numbers
  • Communicate any issues in an appropriate manner. Any intimidating behaviour, physical or verbal abuse towards our staff will not be tolerated

Standards and Expectations

  • Support and encourage your child to follow the school rules and show respect for others
  • Reinforce our shared value of learning by asking positive questions about the school day: ‘Tell me about something you enjoyed today’
  • Ensure your child is appropriately dressed in the correct uniform or PE kit, to show that they feel proud of being part of our school community
  • Support your child with their learning at home – reading is an important basic skill that will give your child the best possible chances in their education
  • Share the successes that your child has outside school so that we can celebrate them together
  • Ensure your child comes to school every day and is punctual. This will give your child the best opportunity to achieve
  • Support the school’s behaviour policy and charter. Remember that children have their own perception of things and events.  We expect parents/carers to respond to incidents in a rational and proportionate way

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