Week 32 IN Class R

Class: Reception Year: 2022 - 2023

This week in class R,  we have continued reading the book The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister. At the start of the week, Mrs Noble worked on some rainbowfish artwork for the day.  The children created their own fish, by drawing scales and decorating them in oil pastels. 

In Literacy this week we wrote sentences to sharks and stingrays. We looked at pictures from our trip to Blue Planet and described the animals we saw. We spoke about shark facts and remembered facts we learnt at Blue Planet. We learnt that there are lots of different types of sharks, we found out about 6 of them. I wonder if the chidlren can remember any of them. Lenny wanted to know what the smallest shark is called. We researched and saw that it is the dawf lantern shark; it is approx 15cm long which we worked out was the length of an average pen/ pencil. 

In P.E this week the children have begun to prepare for our sports day. We practised the egg and spoon and the sack race. The children balanced their egg on the spoon and tried to walk carefully with it. We learnt that if we run, it is likely to fall off.  We also practised the sack race and it turns out that we have some excellent jumpers. 

In Maths this week we have been learning about capacity. On Friday, we focussed on the language empty, half full, nearly full and full. The children were able to explain that if the container was full that meant that there was no room for any more. We also had a capacity water challenge where the children had 3 different shaped / sized vessels. The predicted which one would hold more water and explained why we thought that. We tested it by filling them with cups of water and counted how many cups it took to fill. Some children were surprised to find that the tallest container did not hold the most; this was because it was tall and narrow, compared to the shorter and wider tub. After this, the chidlren explored capacity with sand and water in our Friday actvities. 

Over the week we have been checking on the sunflowers that we planted last week. We have noticed that the 'Giant' sunflower is the tallest and that the 'Sunburst', which should produce orange, yellow and red petals, has a red-looking stem. The children have predicted that the Giant seed will produce the tallest sunflower. Miss Wootton brought in an old sunflower head from last year and we explored that the head still has seeds inside. We looked at how the compared to the seeds we had planted last week. Your child may have come home with a littel envelope with some seeds in to plant. Miss Wootton is going to take the plants home ot look after during the holiday and we are going to move them to the school allotment site when they have grown a bit more. 

After half term we will be reading the story Jack and the Flum Flum tree by Julia Donaldson and looking at treasure chests and maps!

Show and Tell:

9th June: Red team

16th June: Blue team


We hope that you have a lovely week off and we'll see you for the final half term of reception.