
MFL – modern foreign languages


We follow the Language Angels scheme. This scheme is aligned with the National Curriculum and is designed to be delivered 3 half terms per year for the whole of key stage 2. We have designed the units, with advice from the scheme providers, to meet the national curriculum and to develop grammatical skills and language acquisition in a sequential manner. We provide the children with the opportunity to explore language and identity, develop a deeper understanding of other cultures and the world around them and have a better awareness of self, others and cultural differences.

Language Angels covers the four key language learning skills; listening, speaking, reading and writing, and grammar is covered in an age-appropriate way across the primary phase.

The Language Angels scheme offers various levels of differentiation within its planning and is supplemented by the teacher as appropriate.

All French lessons use a multi-sensory approach to teaching allowing ALL children to achieve. In lessons, you may see the following approaches amongst many more:

  • Graduated approach to speaking for confidence (group, pair and then individual)
  • Whiteboard practice before writing in books
  • Colour coding vocabulary for genders
  • Visuals used to introduce new vocabulary
  • Speaking, listening, reading and writing
  • Songs and rhymes



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