Week 21 in Class Ra

Class: Reception Year: 2023 - 2024

Good afternoon everyone,

This week we have been learning about the Lunar New Year. We looked at China and how we would get there. As 2024 is the year of the dragon we described dragons and wrote the sentence “The dragon is…” We looked at how people celebrate Lunar New Year and how they decorate their homes. We have linked this to P.E and music as we have followed a pattern to create beats on musical instruments and performed them during our dragon dance parade. We talked about the word parade and looked at the dragons and lion dance parades that are part of the Lunar New Year celebrations. The children have focused on team work during this task as they worked together in colour groups to become the dragons and parade to the music moving up and down in a wave motion and following each other closely to keep their dragon together. 

On Tuesday it was Pancake Day and we had a go at cutting and sticking our own paper pancakes and choosing what toppings we might want to put on top. The children choose to cover their pancake creations in every topping possible! We also had a go at our own pancake race and practised flipping a pancake in a pan. On Wednesday it was Valentine’s Day. The children spoke about what people might do on this day (for example make cards for a loved one, buy someone flowers or tell someone why they are special to them). The children then designed and created their own Valentine’s Day card for someone they love. They used their cutting and sticking skills to carefully cut out hearts and create a pattern.

In Maths this week we have learnt about ordinal numbers. We read the story of the race between the animals and spoke about the different zodiac years. We then ordered the animals from 1st to 12th place.

In Literacy this week we made and wrote our own Valentine’s Day card. We then spoke about who we made our card for and why that person is special to us.

It has been fantastic seeing everyone’s space creations and homework. The children have worked really hard on these and they look brilliant! We will be creating a display in the classroom to show off what everyone has done! Well done Ra!

This week’s VIP has been Philippa. Philippa is a fantastic reader and loves phonics. She always has a big smile on his face! Show and tell will start again after half term (the dates are below).


Blue - 1st March

Green - 8th March

Red- 15th March

Yellow - 22nd March


Have a lovely half term!

Miss MacWilliam