Week 16 in Class Ra

Class: Reception Year: 2023 - 2024

Good afternoon everyone,

This week we have introduced our new topic ‘Space and Sky’. We started by asking the class what they already know about space and what they would like to find out. I was very impressed with how much the class already knew! We created a poster as a class. We have focused on learning the planets this week and how they orbit around the Sun. On Friday we focused on the planet Mars and used adjectives such as “big” and “red” to describe it. We also modelled how the planets orbit around the Sun in the classroom.

In Literacy this week the children have wrote sentences about space. We read the story “There’s No Place Like Space!’ by Tish Rabe and the class discussed what they could see in the story. The class then wrote “I can see…” and chose something from the story to finish their sentence. On Friday we practised decoding adjectives to write a sentence about Mars.

In Maths this week the children have consolidated their understanding of the composition of 5. Composing and decomposing numbers involves the children investigating part–part–whole relations, e.g. seeing that 5 can be made of 3 and 2. The children have also deepened their understanding of a ‘whole’ being made up of smaller parts, by moving frogs from a log to a pool in a nursery rhyme. We discussed all the different ways of making 5.

In P.E we have started our first unit of gymnastics. This week the children learnt how to rock on different parts of their body. We also learnt the importance of balancing with our arms and how we need to do this gymnastics. Next week in P.E we will learn how to perform a log and egg roll with control.

Our V.I.P this week has been Pippa. Pippa always tries her best in everything she does! Well done Pippa! We enjoyed looking at the blue teams show and tell this week. Next week it will be green group’s turn for show and tell. Please could the green team bring in their show and tell bags on Friday morning.

Next week we will be learning about rockets. Have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week!

Miss MacWilliam


Show and Tell

Green - 19th Jan

Red- 26th Jan

Yellow - 9th Feb