Traditional Tales

Our work this half term will be based around traditional tales - The Gingerbread Man, The Three Billy Goats Gruff and Goldilocks and the Three Bears.  The children will also learn about Chinese New Year.

Communication and Language Development

The children will retell stories, act out the stories using an approach called helicopter stories and will change elements of the plot to create new stories.

Physical Development

The children will knead and roll salt dough to make gingerbread men, develop cutting skills and build structures using construction materials and junk modelling.

Understanding the World

The children will observe the differences between the salt dough ingredients and the finished result, they will be Scientists and see what happens when gingerbread men are left overnight in different substances, they will explore sinking and floating and look at maps through the woods that Goldilocks may have used.

Expressive Arts & Design

The children will make their own Gingerbread men, create Chinese New Year themed art activities, compose music linked to how fairy tale characters move and sing a Goldilocks song.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

The children will learn to be wary of strangers, link feeling scared to the three billy goats crossing the bridge and explore whether Goldilocks did the right thing and what she could have done differently.